Beaver Lake Community Club Meeting Notes: 09-09-24

  • The new website was demonstrated as functional and appealing. 
  • Regarding the subject of Calming on W Beaver Lake Drive, members suggested 1) reminding people to maintain the speed limit, 2) gather evidence of deer sightings, 3) invite police or city to come to an upcoming meeting to discuss concerns. 
  • BLMD Report – a new invasive plant has been identified (sagittaria rigida) and is being actively removed from the lake—600 pounds so far this year. A member suggested that we add information about this plant to the website. 
  • Social Events Committee is working toward three upcoming events 
    • Spook Easy, a Halloween party for adults, Saturday, October 26. Members unanimously voted to approve $3000 budget for this event. 
    • BLCC Holiday Party will be Wednesday, December 18. 
    • BLCC 70th Anniversary Celebration, August 9, 2025. 
  • Social Media Committee reported on Facebook transfer and updates. 
  • Beaver Lake Soft Path – we are continuing to consider ideas and options for proposing this. 
  • Dredging the lake canals – although these channels were originally man-made, it is generally believed that approval is unlikely by the city and/or the county. 
  • Joel Byerdorfer presented some best practices about wildfire preparedness and handed out a flyer concerning insurance preparedness. 
  • Members addressed concerns about electric hydrofoil watercraft which were observed on the lake over the summer. A reminder that the maximum speed limit for any craft is 8 MPH.