Beaver Lake Community Club Meeting Notes: 06-10-24
The board selected meeting dates for the balance of the year. Other than September’s meeting, these will be limited to the Board members as they will be taking place at individual’s homes. September’s meeting will be an open meeting at the lodge on 9/9/2024.
The initial phase of the website redesign has been awarded to WebValet, a small Sammamish entity that will work within our budget and our time frame.
Donna Carlson is taking responsibility for the community Facebook page.
Discussion item of lobbying for a soft path around the lake was tabled.
We assigned JoelB to work with the city on some traffic calming measures for East and West Beaver Lake Drive. We expect to have some ideas to review at our September public meeting.
Invasive weed treatment will take place on 6/19. An additional plant will be investigated for potential future treatment: onshore Arrowhead.
The board is recommending a dredging effort on both channels between BL1 and BL3. THis will likely be very difficult to get all of the necessary approvals.
WLPA conference is coming up, and a main topic is how to create a Lake Mgmt District, such as ours here on Beaver Lake. Unlike Beaver Lake, Pine Lake is experiencing concerning phosphorous blooms and may proceed with a LMD for themselves.
The BLCC 70th anniversary is coming up in 2025 and a number of ideas were surfaced about how we might be able to celebrate with the community. Mark Stendal is going to drive a plan and a budget for upcoming consideration.